Grosjean confronted Ericsson over Turn 1 clash

    Romain Grosjean says he confronted Marcus Ericsson after the Chinese Grand Prix about his driving at the start of the race. Going through the ever-tightening Turn 1, Grosjean was on the inside of Ericsson when the Sauber driver moved further across in front of the Haas. Grosjean took to the inside kerb to try and…

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      Verstappen expects qualifying change to help Toro Rosso

      Max Verstappen expects the return of the 2015 qualifying format at the Chinese Grand Prix to help Toro Rosso. The elimination-style qualifying was dropped following two races, with fans and teams criticising the format. This weekend’s race in China sees the old system return, and Verstappen feels it will benefit Toro Rosso as it can save…

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        Entre “transe” et “pornographie”, Mektoub My Love – Intermezzo de Kechiche divise la Croisette avec passion

        Six ans après la Palme de “La Vie d’Adèle”, Abdellatif Kechiche fait son retour dans la Compétition cannoise, avec la suite de “Mektoub My Love”. Sans aucun doute le long métrage qui aura le plus divisé de cette 72ème édition. Mektoub My Love : Intermezzo d’Abdellatif Kechiche – Compétition – Sortie prochaine DE QUOI ÇA PARLE…

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          Horner dubs 2017 regs ‘a compromise solution’

          Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner has admitted that the new technical regulations for 2017 will inevitably be a compromise and not to everyone’s liking, although he insisted that it would still be better than sticking with the scurrent tatus quo. “The cars will have more downforce, more mechanical grip. They will look more…

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