Christmas may be on its way but for WWE they will soon be thinking about WrestleMania. Their biggest event of the year takes place on April 2 and the company needs something big to try to ensure that the usual massive profits are made. Could they perhaps reach outside of the wrestling business in order to try to boost flagging ratings?
WWE often go outside of the business to boost viewers. A return for WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump might not be on the cards now he appears to be a bit busy for the next few years but boxing has often been targeted by the ratings chasing company. The late, great Muhammad Ali made a few appearances for the company including the first ever WrestleMania. Mike Tyson always seems up for an appearance but he doesn’t quite have that massive ratings boost these days.
Floyd Mayweather appeared for the company at WrestleMania 24 where he beat Big Show. Now he’s supposed to be retired, perhaps he could make another appearance in WWE. After all he did cheat with a loaded glove but it appears Big Show is going to be taking on Shaquille O’Neal in April.
There are a number of boxing betting opportunities in the markets, should one of the current stars be able to make their mark in WWE. Perhaps another Tyson might be the answer. Not Mike but former World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury could well be a candiate if he can’t return to the boxing ring. He has suggested a move to WWE might happen one day and he’d be a perfect fit for WWE. Fury can certainly talk (even if it’s usually rubbish), has the size of a wrestler and could certainly boost ratings if WWE ever get round to holding another major PPV in England (well it’s only been 24 years).
“John Cena and Brock Lesnar at Raw, Miami” (CC BY 2.0) by interbeat
Brock Lesnar made his name in WWE, left and conquered UFC and is now back where he started.Even though he doesn’t appear in the company every week, WWE know that every time he does appear on the scene along with his representative Paul Heyman, it’s ratings gold. Could another UFC star make the move from the octagon to the squared circle? Triple H is keen on bringing in outspoken double UFC Champion Conor McGregor into WWE. Even though McGregor is under 200lbs he could easily have a successful feud with someone like Chris Jericho and the arguments over the mic would be stellar entertainment. WWE know that McGregor is box office at present and they’d love to get him at a WrestleMania or Summerslam event. How that would fit in with his UFC career is a bit of a puzzle but the more exposure McGregor gets, the better for any subsequent UFC events.
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If they don’t get McGregor then instead WWE could try to get Ronda Rousey on board. The prospect of that happening is a lot more likely to be honest. While she was recovering from her UFC title loss, Rousey appeared at WrestleMania and a feud with Stephanie McMahon wouldn’t be any trouble at all. Getting The Rock involved too for a mixed tag match with Triple H would be no problem. Even better, Rousey has made no secret of her desire to one day become a WWE regular.
WWE love to get as much publicity as they can. Creating their own stars has been a problem for a while so taking personalities already established in other fields is a common tactic. Boxing and MMA could well provide WWE with some higher ratings in the future.