Journalist Glenn Greenwald and Guardian US editor-in-chief Janine Gibson on Tuesday afternoon participated in a 90 minute live Q&A on Reddit in which they answered questions related to the past, current, and future reporting on the NSA revelations made possible by documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
On Wednesday, Greenwald posted a few highlights from that online forum—known on Reddit as an “ask me anything” session (or AMA)—on his page at the Guardian. The complete AMA can be viewed here.
According to Greenwald, the session was “largely smart and provocative” and he made special mention of two issues that surfaced during the hour and a half discussion: 1) the degree to which Snowden has aggressively tried to maintain a low profile in order to keep the spotlight off of him and on the NSA programs themselves; and 2) the role that the Democratic Party, specifically under Obama, has exposed its deep hyprocrisy on national security and surveillance issues in the wake of the disclosures.
“The general revelation that the objective of the NSA is literally the elimination of global privacy: ensuring that every form of human electronic communication – not just those of The Terrorists™ – is collected, stored, analyzed and monitored.” –Glenn Greenwald
In addition, Common Dreams scanned the AMA and picked out a few notable questions and their corresponding responses.
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