
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (11/15): Philadelphia, PA

The November 15th, 2019 edition of WWE Friday Night SmackDown on FOX took place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package looking at the feud between Baron Corbin and Roman Reigns, and then the SmackDown intro video rolls.

– Michael Cole welcomes us to the arena, and then we see the King Of The Ring throne on the stage, and Baron Corbin comes out. Corbin is sitting on the throne, and servants are carrying it down the ramp with Corbin on it. Corbin comes down to the ring, where Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode are waiting for him, and they’ve got microphones. Corbin tells the fans to be respectful to their kind, and says Roode and Ziggler are brave and wise to pledge their loyalty to Corbin’s kingdom. Corbin says he’s declaring himself the leader of Team SmackDown for Survivor Series, in the battle against RAW and NXT. Corbin says there are two weak links in the team currently, Gable and Ali. Corbin and Ziggler both trash Roman Reigns now, and Ziggler adds that Shorty G and Ali are only on the team because they’ve been running with Roman Reigns. Roode says it should have been him and Ziggler on the team instead, but tonight they’re going to correct the mistake. Ziggler says tonight they’re going to beat up G and Ali, and they’ll take their rightful spots on Team SmackDown. Corbin says he wants to invite “The Big Dog” Roman Reigns down to the ring right now, but instead someone in a dog costume come out, and there’s a picture of a chihuahua on the big screen. The guy in the dog mascot costume gets in the ring, and Corbin tells him to sit and shake. Ziggler and Roode take on Ali and Shorty G next.

– Shorty G & Ali vs. Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler: If Roode and Ziggler win, they take Ali and G’s spots on Team SmackDown at Survivor Series. G and Roode start off trading holds and takedowns. The dog mascot is still at ringside with Corbin. G and Roode go back and forth until Ziggler tags in for the double team. G blocks a neckbreaker attempt, then throws Ziggler down and tags in Ali. Ali and Ziggler go at it now, and Ali fires up with a hurricanrana and a facebuster for a two count. Roode tags in and goes at it with Ali now, and Ziggler hits a cheap shot behind the ref’s back. Ali gets knocked out to ringside and on to the announce table ribs-first. Corbin and the dog mascot laugh at Ali, but then the real Roman Reigns comes out and Corbin retreats.

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Back from the commercial break, Reigns is now at ringside cheering on G and Ali, and Corbin is on the other side of the ring. Ziggler works over Ali in the ring, then Ali finally takes him down with a superkick. Roode and G both tag in and G starts cleaning house. Ziggler tags back in and they double team G for a two count.

Ziggler kicks Ali out to the floor, then G grabs Ziggler and puts him in the ankle lock. Roode runs in and breaks it up. Corbin tries to get involved, but Reigns hits the Drive By on Corbin at ringside. Roode slams Reigns into the table, then Ali dives out and hits Roode over the table. Reigns gets back up and hits a spear on Corbin at ringside. Meanwhile in the ring, Ziggler rolls up G for a two count. G comes back with a German suplex, then Ali comes in with a 450 splash off the top for the win.

Winners: Shorty G and Ali

– Reigns joins G and Ali in the ring after the match while Corbin, Roode and Ziggler leave.

– The announcers send us to some replays of Bray Wyatt attacking Daniel Bryan last week.

– It’s time for another Firefly Fun House. Wyatt says he’s a magician, and he’s going to change his WWE Universal Title. He turns the Universal Title belt strap blue, magically changing from the old red strap. Check out exclusive close-up photos of the new WWE Universal Title with the new custom changes made to the belt by The Fiend Bray Wyatt by clicking here.

– We see Corbin, Roode, Ziggler, and the dog mascot backstage. They’re not happy about what happened, but Corbin says he has an idea.

– They roll a video package looking at Braun Strowman and Tyson Fury.

– Drew Gulak and The B Team have congregated in the ring, and then Braun Strowman comes out. Gulak has a mic and he says The B Team is with him tonight to learn. Gulak shows a graphic on the big screen saying he is saving smackdown. He says Braun has many lessons to learn. That goes badly, and this turns into a brawl. Braun fights everyone off, and Gulak retreats as Strowman hits a running powerslam on Axel. Strowman stands tall in the ring as the others recover.

– Kayla Braxton is backstage to interview SmackDown Tag Champs The New Day. Kofi and Big E talks about tonight’s match, and paying tribute to the injured Xavier Woods. They defend against The Revival next.

– Sami Zayn and IC Champion Shinsuke Nakamura are shown backstage approaching Daniel Bryan .Sami talks about how they want Bryan with them on their side. Bryan says he’s been thinking about this, and he asks why Sami ran from The Fiend last week if he actually had Bryan’s back. Sami says he thought Bryan was running with him. Bryan turns down Sami, but says he should talk to Braun. Braun Strowman appears and Sami retreats.

– Big E & Kofi Kingston (c) vs. The Revival: Kofi and Dash start this one off, but Wilder quickly tags in for the double team early on. The Revival controls the pace for the opening moments of this one. Big E tags in and starts building some momentum, but Dawson blocks the Big Ending, and then Dash comes in and hits tornado DDT on Big E for a two count. Dawson and Kofi tag in and Kofi starts cleaning house. Big E tags in and they look for the Midnight Hour, but it’s broken up. The Revival looks for a double team on Big E, but Big E dumps them both out to ringside. Kofi follows up with a dive, but The Revival catches Kofi in mid-air and slams him into the ring post. Big E comes out, but The Revival double teams him too. Back in the ring, they hit the Shatter Machine on Big E, but Kofi breaks up the pin. The Undisputed Era suddenly invades and and they beat down Kofi at ringside.

Winners via DQ: The New Day

– The Undisputed Era now beats down all four competitors from the match. Several members of the SmackDown locker room run out to help, and The Era retreats through the crowd.

– Heavy Machinery vs. Kevin Tibbs and Kip Stevens: Heavy Machinery makes quick work of these enhancement talents, and Otis hits the Caterpillar on Tibbs. They hit the Compactor for the three count after a short squash match.

Winners: Heavy Machinery

– Still to come: Daniel Bryan is scheduled to be on Miz TV.

– Sasha Banks and Bayley are backstage for an interview. They talk about the attacks from members of the NXT roster, then Bayley moves on to the subject of her match tonight, and says she is going to crush Nikki Cross’ dreams. Banks says she’s letting Bayley go out to the ring alone tonight to handle Cross one on one.

– We see a video package looking at this week’s WrestleMania 36 ticket sale party in Tampa, Florida.

– Bayley vs. Nikki Cross: If Nikki wins, she will be the final member of the women’s Team SmackDown at Survivor Series. The opening bell sounds and Bayley is aggressive off the jump, and she controls the opening moments of this one. The match goes off the rails when Shayna Baszler invades. Bayley retreats through the crowd, but she runs into Tegan Nox, Rhea Ripley, Dakota kai and Mia Yim. They throw her back over the barricade towards the ring. Sasha Banks runs out and lays out Baszler in the ring. The other NXT women hit the ring, then some of the SmackDown women run down the ramp to even the odds. The two sides brawl all over the arena.

Winner: No contest

– Sasha Banks, Dana Brooke, Carmella & Nikki Cross vs. Rhea Ripley, Mia Yim, Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai: There are lots of tags in the opening moments of this one as the two teams fight back and forth. The NXT women start taking control against Carmella now and keeping her grounded. Banks gets the tag and she drops Nox. Ripley tags in and trades strikes with Banks now. Ripley takes control with a suplex. Banks fights back and both Banks and Ripley hit cheap shots on the opposing team members on the apron. This leads to both teams coming in off the aprons and argue as the ref tries to restore order. Back from the commercial break, Ripley and Cross are going at it. Kai tags in but Cross misses a sho on her. Kai hits a scorpion kick, but then she misses a suplex attempt. Nikki comes back with her swinging neckbreaker for the three count.

Winners: Sasha Banks, Nikki Cross, Dana Brooke & Carmella

– After the match, the NXT women attack Kai, and it turns into a big brawl. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come out to help the SmackDown wrestlers clear the ring, and the NXT stars retreats through the crowd.

– Daniel Bryan is backstage getting ready for Miz TV.

– The announcers go over the card for Survivor Series, airing on November 27th.

– The Miz comes out to the ring to host Miz TV. Miz welcomes everyone and talks about Bray Wyatt attacking Daniel Bryan last week. Miz says he wants to figure out why. Bryan comes out and sits down. Bryan is quiet early on, and Miz acknowledges they don’t like each other, but Miz wants to know why The Fiend randomly picked Bryan to attack? The Miz questions if The Fiend might think Bryan has changed and is washed up, and The Fiend wants to be the one to end Bryan. Bryan stands up on the mic and says he was quiet because Miz TV sucks, and has always sucked. Bryan says he’s not the man he was and he’s not hte leader of the Yes Movement. He says he may be washed up and mentally unstable, but he still has the same passion to help him overcome the odds. Miz interrupts and Bryan yells at him to shut up. Bryan says no one understands how he uses his passion and mental instability together, except for Wyatt. Bryan says The Fiend is even more unstable, and then Wyatt appears on the big screen to interrupt. Wyatt is in the Firefly Fun House, and he starts taunting Bryan. Wyatt opens a big white trunk and pulls out his new blue WWE Universal Title belt. Wyatt asks if Bryan wants to come play, and tells him to say that one magical word “Yes!” Bryan says no. Wyatt’s crew of puppets all start saying “yes” back at Bryan as he keeps saying no. Bryan says he’s not interested in going back and playing with Wyatt and his puppets, and says Wyatt is trying to play mind games. He tells Wyatt to come fight him in the ring for the Universal title. Wyatt says yes and starts his own “yes” chant. Wyatt continues chanting Yes and laughing as Bryan and Miz watch. Miz gets on the mic and says it sounds like we have Bryan vs. Wyatt for the Universal Title booked for Survivor Series. Bryan exits the ring as SmackDown goes off the air.

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