
NXT Diva Injured, The Rock On Set Of Baywatch Movie (Photo), Usos/Dudleyz

– Embedded above is one of the SmackDown Fallout videos for last night’s show featuring The Usos talking about their rivalry with The Dudley Boyz starting to get personal.

– NXT Diva Adrienne Reese is reportedly suffering from an arm injury of some kind. Reese, formerly known to wrestling fans as Athena, appeared alongside American Alpha at the meet-and-greet prior to Thursday’s NXT live event in Orlando, Florida. At the pre-show appearance, Reese was seen wearing a cast on her left arm. Based on her official social media accounts, the NXT Diva was not wearing a cast earlier this week.

– Part-time WWE Superstar and Hollywood big-shot Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson posted the following photo of himself and actor Zac Efron on the set of the new “Baywatch” movie remake that the two are co-starring in.

The greatest of cinematic teams always start off with conflict – which is why my character can't stand this prick. And he hates me too. But we share one common goal: Protect the Bay. #BAYWATCH #Rescue2 #WaitTilYouSeeRescue1 #OceanOGs

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