Police seek interview with Empire actor Jussie Smollett over reports he faked US ‘hate-crime’ assault

    Police in Chacago are seeking a follow-up interview with actor Jussie Smollett amid reports he may have faked a hate-crime assault. Smollett, 36, a gay African-American actor who appears on hip-hop TV drama Empire, told police he was attacked on January 29 by two masked men who yelled racial and homophobic slurs. According to Smollett’s account, his assailants…

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      Celebrate National Caesar Day With These 5 Recipes

      Is there anything better, or more Canadian, than a Caesar? At first glance the concept seems bizarre, but this creative concoction easily trumps the Bloody Mary, a poor excuse from our neighbours to the south. It’s a cocktail so beloved that we have a national day of celebration, National Caesar Day, which falls on May…

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