How to be alone

    Many of us dread being alone. We find isolation uncomfortable or downright scary. If you want to know just how eager we are to avoid it, consider a scientific study that offered people a choice between giving themselves electric shocks or being alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes. Believe it or not, many chose…

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      Pub Series Runners Who Have Completed Four Races

                      Thanks to everyone who made the trek to Quincy on a rather murky night. At least the rain held off for the actual race. Next up is the Mighty Meehan 5K on Sept 13, in West Dennis.                                                                                              Pub Series After Four Events    MEN 1.    Joseph Navas ,  North Eastham Ma        2.   …

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        Pollution : le cerveau broie du noir

        Pour les Anglais, cela ne fait aucun doute : la pollution seraità l’origine de l’augmentation du nombre de troublesneurologiques. C’est ce que soutiennent des chercheurs deSouthampton, qui ont observé l’évolution du nombre decas de maladie de Parkinson, d’Alzheimer et d’autresproblèmes psychiatriques dans dix pays occidentaux (dont laFrance). Selon eux, les maladies neurologiques ont progresséde 50…

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          Get the full collection of 1986 Wrestling Observers

          Observers of ’86 Special**Only valid until May 31, 2014** $224.95* USD for Canada destinations$245.95** USD for USA destinations$289.95*** USD for International destinations(paypal orders Canada/USA please add $10 for paypal fees)(paypal orders Intl please add $13 for paypal fees) The special is for the 43 issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter published in 1986 that hi-light…

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          After Skipping the ASEAN Summit, Trump Invites Its Leaders to the U.S. for a Meeting

          Click:我的Femboy室友APK NONTHABURI, Thailand (AP) — President Donald Trump has invited Southeast Asian leaders to a “special summit” in the United States early next year after skipping their ongoing annual summit in Thailand. Robert O’Brien, the national security adviser Trump sent in his stead, included the invitation in a letter from Trump that he read at…

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            Why North Korea is ramping up missile tests again

            North Korea’s second missile test in a week is increasing the pressure on President Joe Biden to respond, inching the nuclear-armed state further up the administration’s long list of global challenges to address. Officials in the US, South Korea, and Japan announced that North Korea had launched two short-range ballistic missiles at around 7 am…

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