
Notorious paedophile bashed in custody and cellmate killed, court documents reveal

Notorious paedophile Michael Anthony Guider could be assessed for anti-libidinal medication to reduce the likelihood of him sexually assaulting more children when he is released, lawyers for the state government have suggested in court documents.

Guider, 68, killed nine-year-old Samantha Knight after she disappeared from Bondi in August 1986. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 2002, telling a psychiatrist that she died from an overdose of sleeping pills, but he now denies having a role in her death. Samantha's body has never been found.

On Monday, barristers for the State of NSW argued Guider should be kept behind bars beyond the expiry of his 17-year manslaughter sentence next week, noting a "real and unacceptable risk" he will commit another serious offence if released.

Guider's legal team opposed the application, revealing he has been seriously bashed twice while in custody, one assault leaving him with short-term memory loss. He fears further assaults after his cellmate – described as his "best friend" – was killed.

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In 2014, when Guider became eligible for parole, the State Parole Authority declined to grant it. He did not apply for parole after that, believing an application to be futile.

Guider was sentenced to two lengthy prison terms in 1996 and 2000 for assaulting more than a dozen children from 1980 to 1996, taking photos of some of his acts. He used sleeping pills on at least four other children after Samantha was killed, the NSW Supreme Court was told on Monday.

In written submissions released by the court, Crown prosecutors David Kell, SC, and Joanna Davidson outlined a range of options that would reduce the likelihood of Guider re-offending.

They include drug and alcohol counselling, electronic monitoring, scrutinising Guider's online activity, arriving at his home unannounced, and "a request or direction to undergo a psychiatric review for consideration for anti-libidinal medication", which limits a person's sexual drive.


When Guider was sentenced in 2000 for sexually assaulting two young girls, District Court Judge John O’Reilly said it was desirable for Guider to receive the hormonal injection Depo Provera, "or such other substance as may be suitable to control his compulsive paedophilia".

The use of a testosterone blocker was also suggested in a psychiatrist's report in 1996.

Guider's barristers Matthew Johnston, SC, and Georgia Lewer said in their written submissions that their client was a "model prisoner" who had served a "very long sentence" and done everything required of him. He was given a warning once in his 23 years in custody, for feeding birds, they said.

Guider has taken part in day release 20 times between June 2016 and February 2019, accompanied by the chaplain from Long Bay jail. His most recent day release was in October 2018, according to the documents.

Mr Johnston and Ms Lewer said Guider had access to children on his many day releases, "which he avoided", and should be subject to strict conditions in the community instead of being kept in custody. A further period behind bars could undermine the rehabilitation he has made, they said.

Guider has participated in three sex offender treatment programs, completed a university degree by correspondence, and taken part in drug and alcohol interventions and an anger management course.

His barristers said he had relationships with adult women in the past, and "apparently slowly developed a deviant sexual interest" in children after a "highly dysfunctional and traumatic" childhood.

The state has also applied for Guider to be subject to 56 strict conditions for five years after he is released, including a curfew and a ban on viewing pornographic or violent material.

Justice Richard Button will decide if Guider should be kept behind bars before June 6.