EU commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, left, welcomes George Soros, prior to a meeting in Brussels | Olivier Hoslet/AFP via Getty Images
Midday brief, in brief
Today at Commission, Soros and Brexit dinner
Commission president went from dinner from May to talks with Soros.
Thursday’s midday press briefing helped fill in some of the blanks after a busy day for the European Commission, with commissioners deciding to strike back at Viktor Orbán’s Brussels-bashing, the Hungarian prime minister speaking at the European Parliament, and Jean-Claude Juncker having dinner with Theresa May.
The Commission’s chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas described the dinner at 10 Downing Street as “a constructive meeting” in which they discussed the upcoming exit talks, why they should be separate from future trade talks, as well as geopolitical issues.
Schinas also provided more details on Juncker’s meeting on Thursday with the billionaire philanthropist Georges Soros in which the two men — who have known each other since 1995, according to Schinas — discussed Hungary and Ukraine.
The spokesman declined to comment further on the meeting as it was taking place at the same time as the Commission’s daily presser but said Juncker had the right to meet with anyone he liked.
“It is only the president who decides on his agenda, nobody else,” Schinas said, adding that only the Commission can assess if the Hungarian government is complying with EU law.
Staying with Hungary, Schinas said the Commission’s responses to Orbán consultation attacking the EU — called “Stop Brussels!” — would not be sent to individual households or plastered on billboards. “Our words carry much more weight than billboards,” Schinas said.
The Commission also published a memo on its April infringement package, read all the details here.