
Andrew Gillum: Bloomberg will be 'held accountable' for stop and frisk

CNN contributor and former Tallahassee, Fla., Mayor Andrew Gillum (D) on Monday said that former New York Mayor Michael BloombergMichael BloombergEngel scrambles to fend off primary challenge from left It’s as if a Trump operative infiltrated the Democratic primary process Liberals embrace super PACs they once shunned MORE would have to answer questions about his implementation of the stop-and-frisk policy during his presidential run.

“Stop and frisk, in spite of his apology, strikes really, really deep, and not just for New Yorkers but around the country,” Gillum said of the dubiously effective policy, which Bloomberg defended for years after leaving office but apologized for shortly before formally announcing his run.

“You have to understand the level of intimidation that people of color feel in communities all across this country, whether they’re New Yorkers or not, they’re going to be able to relate to that policy, and I think they’re going to hold the mayor accountable for that,” he added.

Asked whether Bloomberg’s apology, which he made in a historically black New York church, would be considered sufficient, Gillum responded “Most people would say … why so late on that apology? I mean, you’re talking about three terms as mayor, the impact, particularly on black and brown people, it is not going to go over that easily.”

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Bloomberg is going to “have to do some real damage control,” Gillum added, noting that former Vice President Joe Bien has maintained support due largely to strong backing from African American voters and that “it’s going to be really difficult to see Michael Bloomberg being the one to disrupt that support.”

Current New York Mayor Bill de BlasioBill de BlasioProtesters splash red paint on NYC streets to symbolize blood De Blasio: Robert E Lee’s ‘name should be taken off everything in America, period’ House Democratic whip pushes back on calls to defund police: We need to focus on reform MORE (D) has also knocked Bloomberg’s apology, saying “We have had plenty of inflection points where he could have said, ‘You know what, I was wrong.’ He has never cared to do that. And I think that says something about the veracity of this.”