
Officials Advise Dixie Carter Fire 15 To 20 People, Update On Obese Knockout, More

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— TNA is reportedly going through a lot of cost-cutting measures although nothing has been specifically said other than they are happening. Only one person has been let go at this point, ring announcer David Penzer, and it wasn’t cost-cutting as much as just him having heat.

What is known is that those close to TNA president Dixie Carter advised an extensive list of talent — 15 to 20 names — to be cut. Thus far, Carter has refused to cut those requested since she doesn’t want talent who have been loyal to the organization be unemployed in these uncertain economic times.

Nonetheless, the company has greatly increased its payroll since last year, and most business aspects are either the same or down, with the exception of a huge increase in merchandise sales at live events.

— As reported earlier, Mary-Kate Duignan, known on the independent scene as Betsy Ruth, was signed by the company this past week. She, like Rob Terry and Jesse Neal, is a product of the Team 3D Wrestling Academy. Duignan will be performing under the name Rosie Lottalove, which is said to be a spoof on Rosie O’Donnell. She has also been compared to former WWE Women’s Champion Bertha Faye, a mid-90s comedic character who dressed in tawdry clothing, lived in a trailer park and dated Harvey Wippleman.

Awesome Kong’s recent departure from the organization opened up a spot for Duignan as company officials were on the lookout for a “large woman” to replace her.

— TNA held two house shows last week before Sacrifice. Last Thursday in Springfield, Illinois drew 650 fans while Friday’s show in Hammond, Indiana drew 1,500 fans.

See shocking TNA photos of Rosie Lottalove in the Impact Zone ->