
    Disney Will Keep Making R-Rated Marvel Movies

    Disney CEO Bob Iger reaffirmed that the company intends to keep R-Rated properties that it will acquire from the Fox merger as R-Rated, specifically referring to the Deadpool films. In a Disney Q1 2019 earnings results call, Iger said “We do believe there is room for the Fox properties to exist without significant Disney influence over…

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      Removing Services From Vulnerable Communities Is Bad Medicine

      Earlier this month, a large group of doctors held a protest outside Scarborough Birchmount Hospital over a proposed plan to close the obstetrics and pediatrics wards. Speaking to media in the cold January air, emergency physician Dr. Lisa Salamon said, “Closing these essential services to an already vulnerable patient population is actually creating barriers for…

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        Britain will oppose UN’s agenda on Israel’s human rights abuses of Palestinians – Foreign Secretary

        Jeremy Hunt, the British foreign secretary, has revealed that the UK will oppose the United Nations Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) permanent agenda item on human rights abuses in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories. Writing in the Jewish Chronicle, Hunt insisted that Britain will vote against all texts contained within the Item 7 resolution at the…

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