
Orton's "Wife" Appears On Raw, Stephanie McMahon Feeding False Information

— As seen on tonight’s edition of Raw, Randy Orton was shown watching the program from his St. Louis estate alongside his wife Samantha. Quite like the hit and run incident on SmackDown a few weeks ago in which Jeff Hardy was accompanied by an actress portraying his girlfriend, Orton’s significant other in the segments was an actress as well. While the woman portraying Orton’s wife on the show looks strikingly similar to his real-life wife, it was not her.

— As noted earlier, Vince McMahon recently issued a company-wide directive to prevent storyline plans from getting out on the Internet. They are going as far to plant red herrings in order to keep their creative plans a mystery to the Internet wrestling fans, not to mention discover the individuals within the company leaking confidential information to the people behind the wrestling news websites. In an update on the situation, Stephanie McMahon has been feeding false information to members of the creative team she suspects may be leaking stories, reports The Sun. Also, the writers are using company laptops with special software that tracks their e-mails and which websites they view.

— For those interested, Joey Styles has posted a blog on the topic of separation of church and state. “I know this is is not WWE related but as I don’t participate on MySpace and Facebook, I consider this my online outlet to discuss anything I want including religion,” Styles wrote. “This Sunday, while at church I was shocked upon being told that the State of Connecticut is trying to oversee the finances of Catholic Church. Personally, I don’t want religion overseeing our state or federal government and vice versa.” Click here to read his blog.

Click here to see photos of Randy Orton’s *REAL* wife (>>)